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The Registration fee is as follows:

  • For Senior Scientists/Delegates (age 65 years or above) the organizing committee offers 50% concessions in the Registration fees.
  • The Registration Fee (paid on or before 15th November, 2016) covers participation in the 104th ISC, the congress kit, one set of food coupons valid from 3rd january morning to 7th january night and modest accommodation for delegates on shared basis.
  • For accompanying person(s), the charges will be 1200/- per head (age 12 years or above). They will not be entitled with the Congress kit. Accompanying persons of Sectional Presidents/Records/Invited Speakers have to register for the congress.
  • Students applying for registration should invariably enclose a certificate about their bonafide studentship from the competent authority of the College/University.
Add Instrument
  • Title
  • Department
  • Graduation
  • Course
  • Description
  • Min Date
  • Max Date
  • Min Amount
  • Max Amount

High performance web user interfaces

May 18, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM / Stage 10 | Cassiopeia
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Sri Venkateswara University

100% digital payments.


dzpay is patented digital payments platform, Innovated Exclusively for EduTech right from Andhra Pradesh.. To serve 14+ crore higher education students within 750+ universities of mother nation Bharath.

dzpay empowers universities with Double Entry, 360 Degree Reconciliation, Payment Digestion Ability, Real-Time Financial Key Performance Indicators, Header & Instrument wise ledgers, Complete Transparency, Fraud Control, 100% digital payments, Complete alignment with National Digital Payments Mission.

dzpay benefits students with saving more than 5 productive working days in each academic year, Life-time Record & Tracking, Comfort & Convenience, Payment Digestion Notifications, Evidential payment system accepting all mode of digital payments. All these benefits with the (net banking) challan cost of 18 rupees 20% lesser than the standard bank challan cost which doesn't give any above benifits.


Your Sri Venkateswara University dzpay challan
digital payments for the nation & world
UIC: U74999TG2017PTC114585 [MOC]
DIPP: DIPP5400 [startup award]
040-42601008 , [email protected]
KGV Buildings, Suchitra,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 067
Preparing your secure challan...
+91 (Bharath)
select your photo
{{ CurrentDzpayUser.ReservationCategoryCertificate ? GetFileName(CurrentDzpayUser.ReservationCategoryCertificate) : "Upload Certificate" }}
Please Note

* Transaction amount will change based on reservation category

* You have to upload caste certificate if you have choosen reservation category

* Modes of Reservation category and its discount are mentioned below.

Reservation category Discount
{{type.split(':')[0]}} {{type.split(':')[1]}} on the trasaction amount {{SelectedInstrumentType.MaxAmount}}

dzpay challan fees

Mode of payment options Amount Convenience Charges
Net banking Any Amount Flat 18
All debit cards below 1000 Flat 18
JIO wallet Any Amount Minimum 18 ( or ) 1 . 49% on the transaction amount.
All debit cards 1001 - 2000 Minimum 18 ( or ) 1 . 5% on the transaction amount.
ATM+PIN Any Amount Minimum 18 ( or ) 1 . 8% on the transaction amount.
All credit cards Any Amount Minimum 18 ( or ) 2% on the transaction amount.
All debit cards above 2000 Minimum 18 ( or ) 2% on the transaction amount.
Other wallets Any Amount Minimum 18 ( or ) 2 . 5% on the transaction amount.

All you need to know about dzpay [ must read ]

Point #1:dzpay is patented digital payments platform, Innovated Exclusively for EduTech right from Andhra Pradesh.. To serve 14+ crore higher education students within 750+ universities of mother nation Bharath.

Point #2:dzpay empowers universities with Double Entry, 360 Degree Reconciliation, Payment Digestion Ability, Real-Time Financial Key Performance Indicators, Header & Instrument wise ledgers, Complete Transparency, Fraud Control, 100% digital payments, Complete alignment with National Digital Payments Mission.

Point #3:dzpay benefits students with saving more than 5 productive working days in each academic year, Life-time Record & Tracking, Comfort & Convenience, Payment Digestion Notifications, Evidential payment system accepting all mode of digital payments. All these benefits with the (net banking) challan cost of 27 rupees 20% lesser than the standard bank challan cost which doesn't give any above benifits.

Point #4:dzpay functions as payment bridge between You and RU. Any payment paid by you would be swiftly deposited in RU bank account via RBI. dzpay challan is like bank DD, Once taken is valid till usage of the challan or for that financial year.

Point #5:dzpay challan can be taken by anyone with standard identity probe through OTP, dzpay challan taken by one person is also allowed to be used by another person.

Point #6:dzpay challan can also be cancelled by requesting a refund to the mail [email protected]. dzpay challan can be taken by the same person as many times as needed. dzpay challan can be utilized by entering the challan ID DPXXXXXXXXX within the application.

Point #7:dzpay challan once claimed/used... will send SMS / eMail to the person who paid for that challan along with the application for which challan is used.
SVU Call image

Your dzpay challan
digital payments for the nation & world
UIC: U74999TG2017PTC114585 [MOC]
DIPP: DIPP5400 [startup award]
+91 9866393229, [email protected]
KGV Buildings, Suchitra,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 067
RU Call image